As a specialty of digital mobile communication system designed for railway, GSM-R can provide voice and data service for railway, and is the transmission plat roof of CTCS - 3 at the same time. In order to ensure the safe operation of trains, intercross base station redundancy single-layer network is used in the project. In this condition, when a single-point BTS fails, the network can continue to work as the two adjacent BTSs work normally. Therefore, detailed and complete GSM - R network optimization that based on the design concept is necessary before the operation of each high-speed railway. One of the most important parts of testing steps is to make sure that the GSM - R network can meet the requirements of QoS metrics under the condition of single-point BTS failure. The shortcomings of the current testing methods are analyzed based on project application. In order to expose hidden imperfect positions, simulation scenarios that can give the most realistic performance of the wireless transmission under the condition of single-point BTS failure are given in this paper, as to improve the quality of network.
High Speed Railway Technology