11 idylls of the Greek poet Theoeritus, characterized by the mime and metaphor, and 10 eclogues of the Latin poet Virgil, characterized by the loss of the mime and the domination of the metaphor and "poetic reflection", are viewed as the origin of pastoral in this essay. In the tradition of them are three representative masterpieces: Arcadia of the Italian writer Jacopo Sannazaro in 1504, Idyllen of the German poet Salomon GeBner in 1756, Eklogen und Idyllen of the German poet August yon Platen in 1834. While Sannazaro and Gel3ner revitalized the pastoral by reforming Virgil's eclogues and Theocritus' idylls through a form and content that speak to the current world view, Platen incorporated the mime of Theokritus' idylls and the "poetic reflection" of Virgil's eclogues.
Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition