
美元体制下东亚经济体汇率的联动关系:现状及变化趋势 被引量:3

Exchange Rate Co-movements among East Asian Economies under the "Dollar System": Current Situation and Trends
摘要 自2000年以来,东亚地区的货币金融合作虽然取得了显著的成果,但却始终未能突破"清迈倡议"的框架,至今尚未在汇率协调与合作领域有所进展。在此背景下,深入分析东亚经济体汇率联动关系的现状及变化趋势,对推进东亚地区非制度性的汇率协调①及制度性的汇率合作具有一定的现实意义。研究表明,短期来看,在实际盯住美元的汇率政策下,东盟五国兑美元汇率存在着一致性的变动关系;长期来看,东亚经济体间汇率存在着正向的协整关系,而这种汇率的联动性特征实际上是通过盯住美元得以实现的。因此,现阶段维持东亚经济体兑美元汇率的稳定、逐步提升中国作为区域内最终产品市场提供者的地位,是缓解"美元困境"并逐步实现东亚区域货币金融合作的重要途径。 The monetary and financial cooperation in East Asia,which has made significant achievements since 2000,is still under the framework of ' Chiang Mai Initiative' and there is little progress in exchange rate coordination and cooperation.This paper focuses on analyzing the current situation and trends of the exchange rate co-movements among East Asian economies under the 'Dollar System' which is very important in promoting the non-institutional exchange rate coordination and institutional exchange rate cooperation in East Asia.Over the short term,exchange rates of the five ASEAN countries exist some co-movements under the exchange rate system pegging on the U.S.dollar.Over the long term,there is a positive co-integration relationship among the foreign exchange rates of East Asian economies,being realized by the exchange rate policy of pegging on the U.S.dollar.Therefore,in current stage,maintaining a relatively stable relationship with U.S.dollar and gradually making China a regional provider for final product market is an important way to ease the 'Dollar Dilemma' and to promote monetary and financial cooperation in East Asia.
作者 李晓 赵雪
出处 《东北亚论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期24-34,128,共11页 Northeast Asia Forum
基金 国家社科基金2010年度重大招标课题"中国积极参与国际货币体系改革进程研究"(10ZD&054) 吉林大学哲学社会科学重点研究基地"吉林大学中日经济共同研究中心"的资助
关键词 东亚 美元体制 汇率联动关系 区域汇率协调 East Asia Dollar System co-movement of foreign exchange rates regional exchange rate coordination
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