
一种基于能量均衡的ZigBee路由算法 被引量:1

An Energy-Balanced Routing Algorithm of ZigBee Network
摘要 针对ZigBee网络的生存周期问题,提出了一种基于簇头关键节点的L-ZBR路由算法。该算法依据网络规模及拓扑结构信息对簇头关键节点设定能量阈值,对能量消耗达到阈值的簇头关键节点动态寻找其子路由节点的代理父节点,通过代理父节点建立辅助路由路径,经由辅助路由路径分担原簇头关键节点数据转发任务。实验结果表明,L-ZBR路由算法在网络生存周期上优于Cluster-Tree算法。 In order to solve the problem of ZigBee network lifetime,this paper proposes the L-ZBR routing algorithm based on key nodes.It sets the energy threshold of the key nodes according to the size of network and the structure network topology,and finds a agent father node of child routing nodes of the nodes whose energy consumption reaches the threshold of key nodes.The auxiliary routing path is established through the agent father node and it can share the data forwarding task of the original key node.The experiments results show that the L-ZBR algorithm is much better than the Cluster-tree algorithm in the network lifetime.
作者 尚海芹
出处 《工业控制计算机》 2013年第8期93-95,97,共4页 Industrial Control Computer
关键词 智能抄表 ZIGBEE网络 路由算法 Cluster-Tree 能量定额 smart metering ZigBee network routing algorithm cluster-Tree energy threshold
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