通过对我国较优秀女子三级跳远运动员的比赛成绩在 12 80米以上各跳的平均值、标准差和各跳之间、与总成绩之间的相关系数成绩以及跳跃类型等经过统计学分析 ,得出这些女子运动员三级跳远的结构特点 ,并与国内外优秀男子三级跳远的运动员的结构特点进行比较研究 ,提出今后我国女子三级跳远技术的发展方向。
A statistical analysis on the mean and standard deviation,correlation coefficient between each jump,and jump type of woman's triple jump of China shows the structure and characters of those athletes who scored over 12.80m. Compared with the structure and characters of man's triple jump of China and abroad,I propose a development direction on the technique of woman's triple jump of China.
Fujian Sports Science and Technology