针对特殊作业车辆专业电器大负荷供电的问题,利用Matlab/Simulink软件对车载发电系统进行建模仿真,并搭建模拟试验台对仿真结果进行验证。建立在多工况车速基础上的仿真模型通过BUCK电路控制以及增量式PID控制的方式实现了车载发电系统的稳压过程。试验结果表明:系统在稳压模式下所产生电压和模型仿真时电压均接近目标电压24 V,且变化量在±5%范围之内。
Aiming at solving the problem of high power consumption of special operating vehicles, the vehicular power system is modeled and simulated by using Matlab/Simulink software and related test- bed is built to check the simulation result. The simulation model which is built on the basis of multi- operating mode speeds achieves a stabilized voltage mode of the vehicular power system by using Buck circuit and incremental PID control way. The test result indicates that the voltages of the system under both the stabilized mode and the model simulation get close to the target voltage of 24V with the variation within ± 5 %.
Journal of Beijing Information Science and Technology University