
深水管道S型铺设托管架基本设计分析 被引量:3

Analysis of stinger basic design for deepwater S-lay
摘要 将上弯段管道依照托辊分布划分为若干对称微段,通过微分求解,结合设计规范,得到了托管架几何参数:托管架弧长、曲率半径、托辊长度及间距设计的控制方程;分析发现,托管架最大曲率由两部分组成:托管架整体曲率和托辊处局部曲率,分别由托管架几何参数和托辊参数控制;通过对比商业软件计算结果及现有托管架结构设计参数,证明了结论的正确性及有效性。控制方程表达简单,易为工程设计人员掌握。 A group of differential equations about stinger geometric parameters,such as arc length and curvature of the stinger,length and spacing of the rollers,were obtained,and by dividing the overbend into adequate small sections,and based on the given boundary conditions and standard,the control equation was solved.It shows that the max.curvature is composed of two parts: the integral curvature of the arc and the local part in the roller,both of which are determined by the stinger geometry and the roller.Comparisons between the OFFPIPE and the real stinger structure were carried out,the results proved that the method was useful and conclusions were correct.The governing equations are simple and easy to be used by engineers.
出处 《海洋工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期79-82,89,共5页 The Ocean Engineering
基金 国家863子课题"深水海底管道铺设托管架设计及专用设备国产化技术研究"资助项目(2006AA09A105-2)
关键词 深水 管道铺设 S-lay 托管架 J-lay deepwater pipelay S-lay stinger J-lay
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