目的 :探讨脊椎内肿瘤病人可能发生的眼部并发症。方法 :将我院 1 5年来 ( 1 984~ 1 999 6)住院并经过神经外科手术治疗的 1 4 1例诊断为脊椎内肿瘤病人的临床资料作回顾性分析 ,同时参阅国内外有关文献 ,对眼部并发症的发病机制作简略探讨。结果 :1 4 1例脊椎内肿瘤病人中患眼部并发症者 5例 ,发生率为 3 5%。 1 4 1人中瞳孔不等大者 2例 ,其中有一例为不全Horner综合征 ;视乳头水肿者 3例 ,2例肿瘤手术切除后 ,脑脊液蛋白下降 ,视乳头水肿消退。上述两组患者各有一例伴有外展神经麻痹。结论 :本文报道了脊椎内肿瘤所表现的眼部症状 ,并认为眼科医生对无法用眼疾解释的瞳孔不等大、视乳头水肿、外展神经麻痹等 ,应考虑是否患有椎内肿瘤 ,以免漏诊。
WT5”BZ]Objective:To evaluate the possible ocular complications in patients with intraspinal tumors.Methods:The clinical records of 141 patients with intraspinal tumors were studied retrospectively and related literatures were reviewed.The mechanism of the development of ocular complications was briefly discussed.Results:Anisocoria was found in 2 cases.The tumor was found at C 6-C 7 in 1 case, and at C 7-T 1 in the other case.Papilledema was found in 3 cases.The papilledema subsided in 2 cases after the resection of the tumor.Paralysis of the abducent nerve was found in other 2 cases.Conclusion:Clinical doctors should know that intraspinal tumors might also give rise to ocular complications. [WT5”HZ]
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