
髂胫束条桥接修复前臂中段背伸肌群损伤 被引量:1

Treatment the Forearm Extensive Muscles Injury with Transfering Tensor Fascia Lata
摘要 目的 :解决前臂中段背伸肌群损伤而引起变性、粘连、挛缩 ,影响屈腕、屈指功能。方法 :将损伤以远失神经支配的肌肉切除 ,切取髂胫束条桥接远端的肌腱和近端的肌组织 ,术后即可行手指、腕关节被动伸屈活动 ,在被动伸掌指、伸腕同时做主动伸腕伸指肌的收缩锻炼。结果 :1978起治疗 7例 ,随访 5例 ,随访时间 18~ 2 9个月 ,平均 2 4.5个月 ,伸腕伸指关节肌力Ⅲ~Ⅳ级 ,获得较理想的伸屈功能。结论 :该方法充分利用近断端的正常肌组织伸缩效应 ,通过髂胫束条桥接远端的肌腱 ,发挥伸腕伸指功能 ,避免损伤肌肉的变性、粘连 ,伸腕、伸指及屈腕、屈指功能障碍 ,减少再次手术 ,是一种行之有效的治疗方法。 Objective: To resolve deterioration,adhesion and stiffness after forearm extensive muscles injury,improve the function of the wrist and fingers.Methods:cut off the nerveless injury muscle,resected off a section tensor fascia lata and used it to replace of the muscle which had been injured and cut off.Postoperation the patients were encouraged to make passive functional exercises of the wrist and fingers.Results:11 patients were treated with this technique since 1978.All cases were followed up for a period of 18 to 29 months,mean 24.5 months.The extensive strength of the wrist and fingers was Ⅲ~Ⅳ,the function of the wrist and fingers were satisfactory.Conclusion:The technique can make the most of the function of the normal muscles,recover the wrist and fingers motion function,prevent deterioration and adhesion,and avoid operation later,is a effective method.
出处 《中国矫形外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 2000年第9期848-849,共2页 Orthopedic Journal of China
关键词 前臂背伸肌群 髂胫束桥接 肌损伤 Forearm extensive muscles Tensor fascia lata Transfer
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