
算法交易的兴起及最新研究进展 被引量:10

The Rise and Latest Research Progress of Algorithmic Trading
摘要 算法交易是一种全新的交易方式,备受机构投资者青睐,市场份额迅速上升。算法交易的快速发展对资本市场总体效率和微观结构影响深远,资产定价、组合投资和风险测度可能因此发生革命性变革。本文介绍算法交易在国际资本市场中的发展历程与现状,系统总结、归纳和评述了有关算法交易的最新研究进展,并探讨了算法交易在中国的应用和发展前景,以及未来的研究方向。 Algorithmic trading is a relatively new transaction mode, which catches much of the favor of institutional investors with a rapidly rising market share. The development of algorithmic trading has a great impact on the overall efficiency and microstructure of capital market, and it may result revolutionary changes in asset pricing, portfolio investment and risk measurement. This paper introduces the development process and current situation of algorithmic trading in the international capital marekts, and systematically summerises and reviews the latest research progress of it. The application, development prospect and future research direction of algorithmic trading in China are also discussed.
作者 陈梦根
出处 《证券市场导报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第9期11-17,共7页 Securities Market Herald
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NECT-11-0029) 全国统计科研计划项目(2012LZ042) 国家社会科学基金重大项目(11&ZD045 09&ZD040) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金的资助
关键词 算法交易 高频交易 程序化交易 量化投资 algorithmic trading, high frequency trading, program trading, quantitative investment
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