
控制牙周炎对拔牙后牙槽嵴高度影响的临床研究 被引量:2

Clinical study on alveolar height after extraction with the control of periodontitis
摘要 目的:探讨牙周病患者拔牙后,控制牙周炎的治疗措施对拔牙后牙槽嵴高度的影响。方法:选择33例因牙周病致牙齿三度松动需拔牙后行系统牙周病治疗的病例,拔牙前行全口牙周病洁治后,拔出患牙,拔牙后即刻刮除干净拔牙窝内及牙周袋内的炎症肉芽组织,拔牙后行牙周系统治疗,并于拔牙后3个月及6个月拍摄X线观察测量拔牙位点牙槽嵴高度的变化情况。结果:3个月时的牙槽嵴高度较拔牙前X线有所降低,约0.32mm(P<0.05),6个月时的牙槽嵴高度较3个月时降低不明显,约0.07mm,且差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:良好地控制牙周病发展,积极的牙周系统治疗对于保持牙周病患者拔出患牙后牙槽嵴高度有积极的促进作用,因牙周病拔牙患者应同时进行积极的牙周系统治疗以保持理想的牙槽嵴高度,为进一步的种植修复治疗做好骨量准备。 Objective To investigate the extraction in patients with periodontal disease, control effect of periodontitis treatment on the height of alveolar ridge after tooth extraction. Methods 33 cases because of periodontal disease caused by loose teeth three degrees need extraction system cases after treatment of periodontal disease,tooth extraction on full-mouth periodontal disease after scaling, pull out the teeth immediately after extraction,scraping tissue and inflammatory granulation clean tooth fossa and the periodontal pocket,tooth periodontal system.Treatment,and observed the sockets ridge height changes to shoot X-ray three months and six months after tooth extraction. Results Three months when the height of alveolar than before having lower X-ray,about 0.32mm (P〈0.05), six months when the height of alveolar crest was three months did not significantly decrease,about 0.07mm,and there was no significant difference (P 〉0.05). Conclusion The good control of periodontal disease,periodontal system active therapy for maintaining periodontal disease patients pulled out teeth after the height of alveolar crest has a positive role in patients with periodontal disease,dental and periodontal treatment should be positive to maintain ideal height of alveolar bone, well prepared for planting repair further treatment.
作者 张新 刘艳丽
出处 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2013年第15期1629-1631,共3页 Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine
关键词 牙槽嵴 牙周病 拔牙 X线 alveolar ridge periodontal disease extraction X-ray
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