目的:研究人参皂苷Rh2和辅酶Q10(CoQ10)对毒性剂量化疗药环磷酰胺(CTX)所致小鼠骨髓抑制的保护作用。方法:腹腔注射毒性剂量的CTX(180mg/kg)建立小鼠骨髓抑制模型。单独或联合经口给予不同剂量的Rh2和CoQ10,采用骨髓涂片及骨髓有核细胞计数评价骨髓的增生程度,以研究Rh2和CoQ10对CTX所致小鼠骨髓抑制的影响。结果:Rh2(起效剂量25 mg/kg,剂量范围25~50mg/kg)单独给药或CoQ10(起效剂量300mg/kg,剂量范围300~500mg/kg)单独给药,能不同程度提高CTX所致小鼠骨髓抑制的增生级别和骨髓有核细胞计数;Rh2 25 mg/kg和CoQ10 300mg/kg联合灌胃比各自单独给药能更明显提高CTX所致小鼠骨髓抑制的骨髓增生级别、骨髓有核细胞计数。结论:Rh2和CoQ10能不同程度地保护化疗药CTX所致的骨髓抑制,此作用可能与其骨髓祖细胞的合成有关,并以二者联合应用的效果更为明显。
Objective: To investigate the protective effect of ginsenoside Rh2 and coenzyme Q10 on myelosuppression induced by cyclophosphamide(CTX) at toxic dose in mice.Methods: Intraperitoneal injection of toxic doses of CTX(180mg/kg),establish a mouse model of bone marrow suppression.In the condition of administration of Rh2 or CoQ10 singly,or combined administration of Rh2 and CoQ10,the degree of proliferation of bone marrow was evaluated by using bone marrow smear and bone marrow nucleated cell count.Results: Single administration of Rh2(effect dose: 25mg / kg,dose range: 25 ~ 50mg / kg) or CoQ10(effect dose: 300mg / kg,dose range: 300 ~ 500mg / kg) was able to improve the myeloproliferation level,and increase the number of bone marrow nucleated cells(P < 0.05).But the combined administration of Rh2 25mg / kg and CoQ10 300mg / kg was more effective than that of single administration of Rh2 or CoQ10.Conclusions: Rh2 and CoQ10 can protect myelosuppression caused by CTX,this effect may be related to the increase of myeloid progenitor cells.For this effect,Rh2 and CoQ10 may have the synergetic effect.
Pharmacology and Clinics of Chinese Materia Medica