
周边屈光对近视的影响 被引量:4

Influence of peripheral refraction on myopia
摘要 周边屈光,即周边视网膜的屈光状态,指与视轴成一定的夹角,距注视点30°以外周边视野内的屈光状态。动物及人类研究表明,周边屈光与近视存在密切关系。周边相对远视的屈光度数能影响中央近视度数,不同年龄阶段人群周边相对远视的屈光状态均呈现为近视发生的危险因素,并可能为近视眼屈光度进展的危险因素之一。周边近视离焦可能阻止眼轴增长,从而控制近视进展、促进视力恢复。我们归纳近年来周边屈光对近视的发生、发展及控制的影响,及其与眼球形态、调节、遗传的关系进行综述。 The refractive status of peripheral retina, also called peripheral refraction, is the abnormal refraction in the peripheral visual field which has a certain off-axis and off-fixation angle over 30°. Animal experiments and human studies suggest that the refractive status of peripheral retina has a close relationship with myopia. Peripheral relatively hyperopia diopter can influence the myopic degree. People in different ages with the refractive status of relatively hyperopic are risk factors for myopia onset, and may be one of risk factors for myopia progression. Peripheral myopic defocus might prevent axial elongation, so as to control the myopia progression, and promote the visual acuity. This article aims to summarize the recent findings about the influence of peripheral refraction on the onset, progression and control of myopia and its relationship with eye shape, accommodation, and heritability.
作者 李前 何书喜
出处 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 2013年第9期1795-1798,共4页 International Eye Science
关键词 屈光 周边 近视 refraction peripheral myopia ocular
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