
Combustion Stabilization based on a Center Flame Strut in a Liquid Kerosene Fueled Supersonic Combustor

Combustion Stabilization based on a Center Flame Strut in a Liquid Kerosene Fueled Supersonic Combustor
摘要 A newly designed strut is proposed in this paper for fuel injection and flame holding in a liquid-kerosene-fueled supersonic combustor. The thickness of the strut is 8ram and the front blockage is about 8%. The characteristic of this strut is that extra oxygen can be injected through a set of orifices at the back of the strut, which can change the local flow field structure and ER (Equivalence Ratio). Based on the above mentioned strut, a stable local flame is generated at the back of the strut and the main combustion can be organized around this local fire. Nu- merical simulation is conducted to compare the local flow field distribution at the back of the strut with/without extra oxygen injection. Experiments are conducted to test the combustion characteristics based on this fuel injec- tion and flame holding strategy. The temperature distribution which can reflect the local flame characteristic has been measured in the experiments conducted under cold incoming supersonic air flow condition. In addition, the overall combustion performance in a full-scale supersonic combustor has been evaluated in the experiments con- ducted under hot incoming supersonic air flow condition. Results show that this strut strategy is very promising since it can organize stable supersonic combustion at the center of the combustor without any cavity or rearward facing step. Besides that, even with the 8ram thick strut, the combustion can be stable in a wide range of ER from 0.25-1 by using liquid room-temperature kerosene.
出处 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第5期497-504,共8页 热科学学报(英文版)
基金 supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.90816028) National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China(No.50925625)
关键词 STRUT center flame oxygen liquid-kerosene-fueled supersonic combustor 超音速气流 火焰特性 燃烧稳定 燃烧器 煤油 液体 基础 燃料
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