Objective To understand reasons of rural health talent shortage in Yunnan, and put forward suggestions for this shortage. Methods All the counties in Yunnan were divided into 3 groups based on the level of economic development in high, medium and low level, and one county was selected in each group. A semi- structured interview and a key informant interview were used to collect qualitative data from health managers and rural health staff. Results Health managers generally reported that the shortage of health talents existed at township and village levels, with their aging, poor operational capacity. There was lack of specialist personnel in rural areas. It was not only difficult to recruit rural health personel, and also lose seriously as well; Most managers and rural health staff thought that the primary health brain drain was mainly associated with non-indigene, poor benefits, lack of improving opportunities, poor living conditions and so on~ Conclusions Yunnan village-level health talent shortage was not only affected by lack of generous policy to attract foreign talent, but also affected by lack of good working and local living conditions.Recommended that select the local talent, cultivate directly, improve health personnel's working and living conditions, and gradually solve the problem of the shortage of health personnel in rural areas.
Health brain drain
Qualitative Study