
基于流程工艺的原料场皮带运输系统仿真 被引量:1

A Simulation Modeling Approach for Belt Transport of Buck Material Based on the Process Craft
摘要 为解决大型原料场皮带运输系统仿真建模难题,提出了一种基于Arena高级运送建模技术和传统皮带运输流程工艺的仿真建模方法。通过对整批原料连续运输过程的离散建模,根据传统皮带运输流程工艺要求的顺启逆停控制机制设计了仿真模型的逻辑流程和结构框架,基于Arena建立了原料场皮带运输系统仿真模型,并将其应用于某原料场的皮带运输仿真分析中,进行了确认和验证,结果表明,该仿真建模方法能精确表示原料场皮带运输过程,并能辅助进行原料皮带运输的路径决策。 To solve the problem of simulation modeling of the belt transport system in a large raw material yard, a simulation modeling method was developed based on the advanced transfer modeling technology of Arena and the traditional belt transport flow craft. Batches of material conveyed continuously were transited into discrete entities. The logical flow and construction framework of the model was designed based on the traditional control mechanism of consequent starting and reverse stopping required by flow crafts of belt transport. A belt transport simulation model was developed by Arena. The model was applied to simulation analysis of an instance of a real material yard and it was verified and validated. The result shows that the method proposed is capable of precise- ly representing overall process of belt transport in raw material yard and is helpful to make decision on belt transport routing.
出处 《武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版)》 CAS 2013年第4期473-476,502,共5页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Information & Management Engineering
基金 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(2012M521486)
关键词 原料场物流 皮带运输仿真 建模方法 流程工艺 路径决策 yard logistics belt transport simulation modeling methods process control routing decision
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