
混凝土简支桥梁的体系延性与可靠度研究 被引量:3

Research on System Ductility and Reliability of Concrete Simply Supported Bridges
摘要 目前对于桥梁结构的单梁在各类荷载作用下可靠度研究很多,但其很少涉及桥梁结构体系的整体可靠度问题,而单个桥梁构件的失效并不一定使得整个桥梁结构发生整体破坏。通过建立有限元模型并将其与基本的可靠度理论相结合,讨论和计算结构系统承载力的延性,从而建立一套可以考虑体系延性的可靠度计算方法。研究发现,仅仅考虑单梁失效的构件可靠度与实际体系的可靠度会有很大区别,进行可靠度分析时应进行体系分析,能够更为准确地评估桥梁结构的性能。 At present there are many researches on reliability of single beams in bridge structure under various loads,but integral reliability of bridge structure system is seldom concerned,while failure of single bridge structure does not necessarily cause integral failure of the whole bridge structure.This paper establishes a finite element model and combines it with basic reliability theory,discusses and calculates the ductility of bearing capacity of structure system so as to establish one set of calculating methods that can consider the ductility of system.The research shows that the reliability of structures only in consideration of single beam failure is quite different from the reliability of actual system,and system analysis conducted during reliability analysis can evaluate the performance of bridge structures more accurately.
作者 高峰
出处 《公路交通技术》 2013年第4期66-71,共6页 Technology of Highway and Transport
关键词 公路桥梁 可靠度 体系 承载力 失效 highway bridge reliability system bearing capacity failure
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