

The Life Style and Customs of the Mongolian Nationality in Four Banners in Eastern Suiyuan Province during the Republic of China
摘要 民国期间,位于绥远省东部的正黄旗、正红旗、镶红旗和镶蓝旗统称绥东四旗。绥东四旗于1948年秋末冬初相继解放后,在集宁曾设绥东四旗蒙旗办事处。1950年1月,撤销办事处,改设中心旗制。 The four banners of the right wing of Chahar Province-the yellow banner, the red banner, the banner with red, and the banner with blue belonged to the Chahar special administrative region at the beginning of the Republic of China. In the eighteenth year of the Republic of China (1929), the two special administrative regions- Chahar and Suiyuan changed to Chahar Province and Suiyuan Province, under the provision that Fengzhen County, Xinghe County, Taolin County and Jining County, currently within the jurisdictional limits of Chahar Region, returned to the limits of Suiyuan Province and the remaining four banners-the yellow banner, the red banner, the banner with red, and the banner with blue stayed in the original jurisdictional limits of Chahar Province. Up to early 1936, the four banners formally belonged to Suiyuan Province by following the formal order from the Nanking KMT government, beginning to be called "the Four Banners of Eastern Suiyuan Province". Because the people of the Han nationality and the Mongolian nationality lived er in the four banners and five counties with the two different living styles-farming and nomadic lives, the mutual collisions and gradual intergradations between the Mongolian prairie culture and the Han nationality's farming culture occur with the result that the customs of the Mongolian nationality preserved the continuity of the grassland culture and absorbed the advanced essence of farming culture. In the paper, the author shall give a brief account of the customs of the Mongolian people in the Four Banners of Eastern Suiyuan Province in the Republic of China (1912-1949).
作者 曹晋
机构地区 察右后旗档案局
出处 《集宁师范学院学报》 2013年第2期51-56,共6页 Journal of Jining Normal University
关键词 绥东 蒙旗办事处 中心旗 the four flags of Eastern Suiyuan Province the Mongolian nationality living custom
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