
1991—2010年贵阳市二氧化硫变化趋势、影响因素和防控措施 被引量:4

The Development of Sulfur Dioxide,Its Influential Factors and Control Measures in Guiyang from 1991 to 2010
摘要 根据1991—2010年贵阳市二氧化硫监测数据,评价和分析了这期间贵阳市二氧化硫水平和变化趋势,与季度变化、气象、降水pH的关系;结果显示二氧化硫监测值逐年降低,污染状况明显改善,逐渐达到国家二级环境空气标准要求。提出二氧化硫防控措施。 Based on the monitoring data of the sulfur dioxide in Guiyang from 1991 to 2010, we have evaluated and analyzed how it changed with different seasons, climatic conditions, precipitation and pH. The results show that the monitoring value of the sulfur dioxide was decreasing every year, and it met the Grade II requirements of the nation- al environmental air standard. The measures are proposed to control and prevent the pollutant.
作者 毛竹 王浩
出处 《环境科学导刊》 2013年第5期71-74,共4页 Environmental Science Survey
关键词 二氧化硫 变化 趋势 影响因素 防控措施 贵阳 sulfur dioxide change trend influential factor control measure Guiyang
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