

The Coupling Analysis on Graduates' Innovation Ability of Management Disciplines Based on Ambidextrous Theory
摘要 从管理学科的特点入手,借助组织双元创新理论的最新研究进展,分析管理学科研究创新能力培养过程中,可能会存在类似于组织双元创新能力失衡下的两类培养陷阱:一是过分强调探索能力的培养;二是过分强调开发能力的培养。进一步,通过对管理学科研究生培养与双元创新能力的耦合分析,指出管理学科研究生双元创新能力是在学术或是学习过程中利用现有知识进行开发性创新的开发能力,以及旨在创造知识进行探索性创新的探索能力,两个维度交织所形成的综合能力。这种双元创新能力的提出,对于从宏观国家层面充分落实人才强国战略、中观研究生培养单位层面重构创新性人才培养体系,以及微观层面研究生个人提升胜任力素质,都具有重要的现实意义。 The graduates' innovative ability in management disciplines is analyzed based on the ambidexterity theory.Accordingly,there are two kinds of traps in the cultivation of the graduates' innovative ability in the management disciplines: one is to attach too much importance to the cultivation of exploratory capacity;the other is to attach too much importance to the cultivation of development capacity.Through the analysis of combining the graduate cultivation in the management disciplines with the dual innovative ability,the graduates' dual innovative ability in the management disciplines is defined as the development capacity to make use of the present knowledge in the process of learning and doing researches,the exploratory capacity to explore new knowledge,and the combination of them.The analysis of the dual innovative ability is of realistic significance.It helps to implement the strategy of reinvigorating China through human resource development on the macro level,reconstruct the system of cultivating enterprising talents on the medium level,and improve the graduates' individual qualities on the micro level.
出处 《青岛农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第2期44-49,共6页 Journal of Qingdao Agricultural University(Social Science)
基金 山东省研究生教育创新计划项目(SDYY07016) 山东科技大学创新团队项目(2011KYTD104)
关键词 双元创新 研究生教育 创新能力 管理学科 ambidexterity graduate students education innovative ability management disciplines
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