目的 :了解新城疫病毒( newcastle disease virus,NDV) La Sota株活疫苗经吸入途径接种家兔和肿瘤志愿者的免疫效应,以及其对放疗后鼻咽癌( nasopharyngeal carcinoma,NPC)患者的辅助疗效。方法:用喉头喷雾器经鼻腔喷雾吸入途径给家兔、 放疗后鼻咽癌、手术治疗或化疗的其他癌症患者接种疫苗。于接种前及接种后采集家兔和癌症患者静脉血标本。按常规血凝抑制试验法测定 NDV抗体;用血细胞自动分析仪检测白细胞水平;以随机配对分组及多种追踪手段相结合的方法追踪和检查试验和对照组 NPC放疗后患者的 3年内复发与死亡情况。结果:免疫接种后,每只家兔的 NDV血凝抑制抗体滴度都升高 4倍以上;抽查的已接种过 4个疗程 NDV疫苗的 NPC患者 100%检测出 NDV血凝抑制抗体,当他们再次接种 1疗程 NDV疫苗 4周后,抗体 4倍以上升高率达 80%,其抗体平均滴度显著高于初次接种组;后者接种前的 NDV抗体检出率仅 14.29% ,当该组人群接受首次疗程的 NDV疫苗接种 4周后,抗体检出率 85.71% , 4倍升高率为 71.43%;手术治疗或化疗的其他癌症患者,接种本疫苗后白细胞水平明显提高;出院后 3年内接受 4个疗程以上 NDV辅助治疗的 NPC放疗后患者的 3年复发率为 3.23%,对照组为 25.81%(
Objective: To understand whether the newcastle disease virus (NDV) vaccine can successfully vaccinate the rabbits and volunteers of cancer patients through inhalation and to observe the effects of NDV vaccine to nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients after radiotherapy. Methods: The live NDV vaccine was vaccinated through nasal cavity with larynx spray for rabbits, NPC patients and other cancer patients who were treated with surgery or chemotherapy. The blood samples from vein of the tested rabbits and volunteers of patients with cancer were collected before and after vaccination. The anti NDV antibody in serum was detected by conventional blood coagulation inhibiting method. The white blood cell amount in blood samples was counted with auto counter 920. In addition, the NPC patients after radiotherapy were divided into test group and control group randomly and the patients in both groups were followed up by multiple kinds of way in order to understand therapeutic effect of NDV to NPC. Results: The anti NDV antibody levels of the rabbits and the patients with NPC were increased significantly after vaccination. The white blood cell accounts of cancer patients who were treated with surgery or chemotherapy were also ineveased significantly after vaccination. The recurrence rate of NPC patients (3.23% ) who received immunotherapy of NDV vaccine more than 4 courses within 3 years following radiotherapy was significantly lower than that (25.81% ) of the control group .
Chinese Journal of Cancer
本课题受广西卫生厅基金!( No.9510)