
正常小鸡耳蜗毛细胞神经支配的发育与听功能的关系 被引量:4

Relationship between the Development of Innervation on Cochlea Hair Cell and Hearing Function in Normal Chick
摘要 目的 探讨正常小鸡耳蜗毛细胞神经支配的发育成熟与听功能的关系。方法 将 3、13、2 8、43d龄罗曼小鸡用 40 0 0Hz半周正弦波刺激进行ABR测试后 ,采用透射电镜观察其耳蜗近端 0 .4~ 0 .8mm区域内的毛细胞神经支配。结果  3、13、2 8、43d组小鸡的ABR阈值分别为 83.0± 7.15、73 .5± 12 .84、72 .0± 2 .99、70 .5±2 .84dBSpL。 3d组与 13、2 8、43d组之间的ABR阈值差异有统计学意义 ,出生 2周后 ,听功能已发育完善。 3d组小鸡耳蜗毛细胞上的神经终扣几乎均为传入性 ,至 13d时 ,毛细胞上的传出神经终扣明显增加 ,2 8、43d组的小鸡耳蜗毛细胞神经支配同 13d时相比无明显差异 ,同时接受传入和传出神经支配。结论 耳蜗毛细胞神经支配模式的成熟是正常小鸡听功能发育完善的物质基础。 Purpose To study the relationship between the development of innervation on cochlea hair cells and hearing function in normal chick. Methods After the measurement of ABR,the innervation on cochlea hair cells in 3,13,28,43 days'old chickens was observed by using transmission electron microscope. Results The difference of ABR threshold between 3 days group and others was significant,and chick's hearing was developed to maturity in two weeks.Nearly all nerve terminals on hair cell in the cochlea of 3 days animals were afferent nerve terminals,while both afferent and efferent nerve terminals could be observed on hair cells in the cochlea of 13,28,43 days'old chicks. Conclusions The maturity of innervation pattern on hair cells in the chick cochlea may be the matetrial base in chick's hearing development.
出处 《上海医科大学学报》 CSCD 2000年第5期354-356,共3页 Journal of Fudan University(Medical Science)
关键词 神经支配 听功能 耳蜗毛细胞 chick hair cell innervation hearing function
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