Purpose:To get exact information on degreed that the adolescents know about some major diseases,so as to provide basis for health promotion plan in schools. Method: (1)Through the method of the data consultation, to doing prevalent diseases diagnosing of damage to their health. (2)Questionnaire to 3 595 students (male 1 844, female 1 767) that are random samplings from 28 middle schools in 8 prefectures to see degreed that they know of AIDS, tuberculosis, hepatitis, anemia, and other chronic diseases. (3) Sociololgical investigation and diagnosis of families. Result:21.5% mothers received elementary education.33.16% mothers received junior middle school education;40.33% mothers received senior middle school education or higher education;30.71% mothers are peasants,and 43.12% mothers are workers.Their rates of correctness concerning concepts of diseases and their prevention are as follows:AIDS:89.01% and 76.38% ;hepatitis:85.56% and 37.72% ,chronic dis-eases:81.42% and 63.76% ;tuberculosis:68.29% and 72.41%1; anemia:54.3% .This suggests a lower comprehension rate concerning prevention than the concept of them. In regard with concerning knowledge, those who received senior middle school education prevail over those who received junior middle school education; women prevail over men,city people prevail over the country people and key school students are better than students of other schools,and it has something to do with their mothers' own cultivation. Conclusion:There is much discrepancy between what the adolescents need and what they actually receive in schools. A school health promotion plan should be established or improved upon as soon as possible. This is especially so in the countryside.
Chinese Primary Health Care