
车载天线电磁特性及耦合度仿真分析 被引量:2

Simulation and Analysis on Electromagnetic Character and Coupling Degree of Vehicle Antennas
摘要 针对车载天线合理安装位置选取的问题,建立金属舱体全尺寸模型,利用CST微波工作室对处于不同布设位置的天线方向图、反射系数及天线间耦合度进行了仿真分析,并对比了位置变化对不同工作频率天线电磁特性的影响。结果表明:天线靠近金属舱边缘,舱顶金属面下方空间的辐射以及水平方向的增益会增强,天线反射系数变优,天线间的耦合度还会降低;随工作频率的降低,位置变化带来的这种影响会减弱。所得结论可为车载天线安装位置的选取提供理论指导。 In order to solve the.problem that how to chose the best antenna position, a full-scale model of metal cabin was constructed to simulate the directional diagram, reflection coefficient of antennas and coupling degree between antennas at different mounting positions by CST microwave studio. At the same time, the influences needing to the location changing were compared between antennas which had different operating frequency. The results show that when antennas were close to the edge of the metal tank, electromagnetic character of antennas were affected, such as the radiation of overhead space below the metal surface and the gain in the horizontal direction increased, while the coupling between the antennas reduced. In addition, these effects were weakened by decreasing the operating frequency. And these conclusion could be theoretical guidance for the choosing of antenna mounting location.
出处 《电子测试》 2013年第8期74-76,共3页 Electronic Test
关键词 车载天线 时域有限积分法 电磁特性 耦合度 天线布设位置 Vehicle antennas FIT technology Electromagnetic character Coupling degree Antenna mounting location.
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