A broadband distributed passive gate-pumped mixer(DPGM) using standard 0.18μm CMOS technology is presented.By employing distributed topology,the mixer can operate at a wide frequency range.In addition,a fourth-order low pass filter is applied to improve the port-to-port isolation.This paper also analyzes the impedance match and conversion loss of the mixer,which consumes zero dc power and exhibits a measured conversion loss of 9.4—17 dB from 3 to 40 GHz with a compact size of 0.78 mm^2.The input referred 1 dB compression point is higher than 4 dBm at a fixed IF frequency of 500 MHz and RF frequency of 23 GHz,and the measured RF-to-LO, RF-to-IF and LO-to-IF isolations are better than 21,38 and 45 dB,respectively.The mixer is suitable for WLAN, UWB,Wi-Max,automotive radar systems and other millimeter-wave radio applications.
A broadband distributed passive gate-pumped mixer(DPGM) using standard 0.18μm CMOS technology is presented.By employing distributed topology,the mixer can operate at a wide frequency range.In addition,a fourth-order low pass filter is applied to improve the port-to-port isolation.This paper also analyzes the impedance match and conversion loss of the mixer,which consumes zero dc power and exhibits a measured conversion loss of 9.4—17 dB from 3 to 40 GHz with a compact size of 0.78 mm^2.The input referred 1 dB compression point is higher than 4 dBm at a fixed IF frequency of 500 MHz and RF frequency of 23 GHz,and the measured RF-to-LO, RF-to-IF and LO-to-IF isolations are better than 21,38 and 45 dB,respectively.The mixer is suitable for WLAN, UWB,Wi-Max,automotive radar systems and other millimeter-wave radio applications.
supported by the State Key Development Program for Basic Research of China(No.2010CB327404)