
规范理论解释和结构实在论 被引量:1

Interpretation of Gauge Theory and Structural Realism
摘要 随着量子规范场论和粒子物理标准模型的成功,对规范理论进行解释成为了物理哲学和科学哲学的紧迫任务。目前,美国科学哲学家希利从经典规范理论的非局域规范势属性观角度发展和乐解释。遗憾的是,把这种和乐解释推广到量子化的规范场论时却遇到圈表象自身的困难,特别是和乐解释中的圈表象的非局域性跟量子力学福克表象中希尔伯特空间粒子的局域性不一致问题。论文在比较规范理论解释和量子引力的结构实在论解释基础上,根据建构性的结构实在论对和乐解释的困境进行分析,认为规范理论解释最好按照从量子规范理论到经典规范理论的路线可能找到新的出路,包括从中深究规范场论跟量子力学的关系问题。 With the great success of quantum gauge field theories and the Standard Model of particle physics, it has become a pressing task for philosophy of physics and philosophy of science to interpret the gauge theories. At present, Richard Healey, an American philosopher, has developed the holonomy interpretation from the viewpoint of the non-localized gauge potential properties view about classical gauge theories. Unfortunately, a problem of loop representations arises when we extend this interpretation from classical gauge theories to quantum gauge theories. A problem in particular is the inconsistency between the non-locality of loop representations and the locality of particle in Hilbert space of Fock representations of quantum mechanics. After we make a comparison between interpretation of gauge theory and constructive structural realism of quantum gravity, the article investigates these problems by the help of constructive structural realism. We think that the best strategy for resolving these problems is to select an interpreting route from quantum gauge theory to classical gauge theory. We will also research the relationship between gauge theory and quantum mechanics.
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期8-13,125,共6页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(编号为12YJA720013) 中国博士后科学基金第四批特别资助 第四十七面上资助项目(编号分别为201104612和20100471582)
关键词 和乐解释 非局域性 结构实在论 量子化 Holonomy interpretation Non-locality Structural realism Quantization
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