

Current Status of Forestry in Cte d'Ivoire
摘要 科特迪瓦是非洲木材出口大国之一,长期以来由于大量砍伐、农业扩张、人口增长和动荡的社会政治环境等因素,导致森林严重退化。该国森林覆盖率从上世纪30年代的50%左右减少到现在的9%以下。文中从科特迪瓦林业所处地位、林业政策、森林资源变化及经营手段等方面介绍了该国的林业现状,并针对森林锐减等问题,提出一些建议和改进措施,以期为决策者实施森林可持续经营策略提供参考。 C6te d' Ivoire is one of the largest timber exporters in Africa. Due to over-logging, agricultural expansion, population growth and unstable political and social environments, forest resources have seriously degraded for decades. Forest coverage in this country has declined from 50% in the 1930s to less than 9% at present. The role of forestry, forestry policies and changes in forest resources and management practices in the country were introduced in this paper, and suggestions for curbing further forest deterioration and realizing sustainable utility of natural resources were recommended for policy makers.
出处 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期81-86,共6页 World Forestry Research
基金 国家基础研究发展计划重点项目(2009CB421101) 国家自然科学基金项目(30970516)
关键词 林业概况 森林资源 森林经营 林业政策 森林退化 科特迪瓦 forestry profile, forest resources, forest management, forestry policy, forest degradation, CSte d' Ivoire
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