
生料发酵黑曲霉T4-3产单宁酶的条件研究 被引量:2

Condition of tannase production from Aspergillus niger T4-3 under uncooked material fermentation
摘要 以实验室筛选、60Co诱变得到的黑曲霉T4-3为实验菌株,研究其利用单宁酸生料发酵的条件。在单因素实验的基础上,利用正交实验对黑曲霉T4-3的最佳产酶条件进行了优化。结果表明,影响产单宁酶活力条件的强弱依次为料液比>单宁酸添加量>氮源>MnCl2添加量>装瓶量,最佳培养条件为牛肉膏为氮源、单宁酸添加量为4.8%、CaCl2添加量为0.3%、MnCl2添加量为0.3%、料水比为1:1.6、250mL三角瓶装瓶量为15g、培养温度为30℃。在优化条件下,培养72h后产单宁酶活力达到166.4U/gds,比优化前约提高3.3倍。 The condition of tannase production by a strain of Aspergillus niger T4-3, which was screened, 6~Co-induced mutation by the laboratory, under uncooked fermentation using tannic acid was studied. On the basis of single factor test in order to obtain the optimal conditions for tannase production, orthogonal tests were done. The result showed that the effect of the tannase activity was the liquid- solid ratio〉addition of tannic acid〉nitrogen source〉addition of MnCI2〉substrate content. The optimum conditions were: nitrogen source beef extract, addition of tannic acid 4.8%, CaCI2 0.3%, MnCI2 0.3%, liqid- solid ratio 1:1.6, substrate content 15 g, and culture temperature 30 %. The maximum tannase activity was up to 166.4 U/gds under these conditions, approximately 3.3-fold higher than that of basis medium.
出处 《食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第8期9-14,共6页 Food Science and Technology
基金 国家科技部十二五科技支撑项目(2012BAKK17B08)
关键词 黑曲霉 单宁酶 生料发酵 条件优化 Aspergillus niger tannase uncooked material fermentation optimization of culture conditions
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