A new cinema documentary history is being written because of the new film watching experience,consumer pleasure,and aesthetic harvests achieved by the quality reconstruction of the world cinema documentaries. In this paper,the advantages of cinemas,audience demands,and documentary characteristics are comprehensively reviewed from an accepting perspective,and the existing state of China mainland's cinema documentaries is introduced from multiple levels such as the hot cinema media and sound-picture reconstruction, the film tradition and narrative reconstruction,and the film watching state and aesthetic reconstruction.
A new cinema documentary history is being written because of the new film watching experience, consumer pleasure, and aesthetic harvests achieved by the quality recon-struction of the world cinema documentaries. In this paper, the advantages of cinemas, audi-ence demands, and documentary characteristics are comprehensively reviewed from an accep-ting perspective, and the existing state of China mainland ' s cinema documentaries is intro-duced from multiple levels such as the hot cinema media and sound-picture reconstruction, the film tradition and narrative reconstruction, and the film watching state and aesthetic recon-struction.
This paper is a stage result of a General Art Project from the National Social Science Foundation -Study on the interaction of documentary’s connotation development with its creation techniques and works forms( No.10BC031)
supported by Advantageous Discipline Construction Project in Colleges and Universities of Jiangsu Province