
不同品种紫苏叶醇提物抗氧化性和细胞毒活性 被引量:6

Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activity of Leaves Alcoholic Extracts from Different Perilla Varieties
摘要 研究不同品种紫苏叶醇提物抗氧化性和细胞毒活性。采用超声波辅助溶剂提取法获得醇提物,并测定其对DPPH.、羟基自由基(.OH)和超氧阴离子(O2-.)的清除效果和对海虾的致死效果。结果表明,10个不同品种紫苏叶醇提物提取率和醇提物中迷迭香酸质量分数均差异显著,PX-1提取率最高为5.34%,ZY-10-1醇提物中迷迭香酸质量分数最高为18.70%。不同品种紫苏叶醇提物抗氧化性和细胞毒活性差异显著,ZY-10-1醇提物清除自由基能力最强,清除DPPH.、.OH和O2-.的IC50值分别为0.203、1.056和0.130g/L;ZY-10、ZB-1和ZY-10-1醇提物对海虾致死活性最强,其LC50值分别为0.864、0.429和1.398g/L。醇提物中迷迭香酸质量分数与清除自由基的IC50值和海虾致死的LC50值呈显著负相关,相关系数分别为-0.853、-0.765、-0.675和-0.906。 The antioxidant activity and cytotoxic activity of leaves alcoholic extracts from different perillavarieties were studied.The alcoholic extracts were obtained by ultrasound assisted solvent extraction method,and the scavenging effect on DPPH.,hydroxyl radicals and superoxide anion and the lethal effect of shrimp were measured.The result showed that there were significant differences in the extraction rates and the contents of rosmarinic acid in the alcoholic extracts from leaves among ten varieties.The PX-1had the highest extraction rate,up to 5.34%,and the ZY-10-1have the highest content of rosmarinic acid in the alcoholic extracts,up to 18.70%.There were significant differences in antioxidant activity and cytotoxic activity among ten varieties.The ZY-10-1alcoholic extract had the strongest activity of scavenging radicals and the IC50values of DPPH.,hydroxyl radicals and superoxide anion were 0.203g/L,1.056g/L and 0.130g/L,respectively.The ZY-10,ZB-1and ZY-10-1alcoholic extracts had the strongest lethal effect of shrimp and the LC50are 0.864g/L,0.429 g/L and 1.398g/L,respectively.Notable negative correlation exists between the rosmarinic acid content and the IC50of scavenging radicals and the LC50of lethaling shrimp and the correlation coefficient to DPPH.,hydroxyl radicals,superoxide abion and shrimp were-0.853,-0.765,-0.675and-0.906,respectively.
出处 《西北农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期103-107,共5页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica
基金 山西省社会发展科技攻关项目(20110313003-3)
关键词 紫苏叶 醇提物 抗氧化性 细胞毒活性 Perillaleaves Alcoholic extract Antioxidant activity Cytotoxic activity
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