
犯罪青少年社会问题解决能力类型及其与生活事件和问题行为的关系 被引量:9

Types of Juvenile Delinquents’ Social Problem Solving Ability and Its Relationship with Life Events and Problem Behavior
摘要 目的:对犯罪青少年社会问题解决能力分类,并探讨其与生活事件和问题行为的关系。方法:采用潜在剖面分析法,运用社会问题解决能力问卷、青少年生活事件核查表和问题行为问卷对上海和昆明553名犯罪青少年进行测量。结果:①犯罪青少年的社会问题解决能力可以分为不良型、一般型和较好型三类。②不良型、一般型和较好型的社会问题解决能力得分依次显著升高,问题行为得分依次显著降低。③社会问题解决能力类型在生活事件和问题行为之间起调节作用。结论:对青少年犯罪的预防和干预可以考虑从改善其社会问题解决能力入手,提高其抵抗负性生活事件影响的能力。 Objective: To classify juvenile delinquents' social problem solving ability and explore its relationship with life events and problem behavior. Methods: Social Problem Solving Ability Scale, ASLEC, Problem behavior Scale were used to investigate 553 juvenile delinquents from Shanghai and Kunming by the method of Latent Profile Analysis. Re- sults: (!)Juvenile delinquents' social problem solving ability could be categorized into three groups: fine group, ordinary group, and weak group; @)In the weak group, ordinary group and fine group, the scores of social problem solving ability in- creased in turn observably and the scores of problem behavior decreased in turn observably. (~)Social problem solving a- bility can moderate the relationship of life events and problem behavior. Conclusion: Prevention and intervention of juve- nile delinquency can be started with improving their social problem soving ability, so as to improve their resistant ability a- gainst the influence of negative life events.
作者 金灿灿 邹泓
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期599-602,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(BLX2012013)
关键词 犯罪青少年 社会问题解决能力 生活事件 问题行为 潜在剖面分析 Criminal juveniles Social problem solving ability Life events Problem behavior Latent profile analysis
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