无人机载合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)天线座作为支撑天线探测目标的装置,是机械扫描式SAR雷达的一个重要组成部分。然而,无人机载SAR天线座设计过程中存在诸多困难,即重量与空间的严格限制、扫描范围大、精度高等。基于此,运用机电一体化技术,从系统整体目标出发,对无人机载SAR天线座系统总体设计、总体分析以及关键技术与解决方法进行了阐述,该天线座系统在实际测试和使用过程中,各项技术指标均满足实际需求,且性能良好、稳定。实践证明其设计合理、新颖,所采取的措施能够解决无人机载SAR所要求的重量轻、体积小、精度高。同时,所采用的设计与分析方法以及解决关键技术的措施可以为今后类似的天线座设计提供良好的借鉴与参考。
As the equipment of supporting antenna, antenna base of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) airborne SAR is an important segment of mechanical scanning SAR. But there are lots of difficulties in the design of antenna base of UAV airborne SAR, such as strict restrictions of weight and dimension, large scanning range, high precision and so on. Total design, total analysis, key technologies and resolutions for an antenna base of UAV airborne SAR are expounded, using mechatronics technology and basing on the general target. In the course of practical test and usage, all the techenic indexes fulfil the practical needs, and the performances are excellent and steady. Practice proves that the antenna base is designed reasonably and novelly. The taken measures can resolve the requires of light-weight, small-volume and high-precision for UAV airborne SAR. Meanwhile, the design and analysis method, measures to resolve key technologies are taken, which can provide excellent reference for similar antenna bases.
Modern Radar