
舌苔微生物在口臭中的作用 被引量:9

Function of microorganisms in tongue coating in oral malodor
摘要 舌背微生物群是人体生态学中最复杂的系统之一,但有关舌背微生物群对健康和疾病的影响却知之甚少,舌苔的组成及其影响因素大部分不为人知。近年来的研究证实,口臭与挥发性硫化物、丙酸、丁酸、尸胺、腐胺、吲哚和粪臭素等,特别是与硫化氢和甲硫醇的关系十分密切,而舌背的诸多明确或未明确的甚至特异的微生物与这些口臭物质关系密切。通过刷牙、刷舌和刮舌等机械清除法控制舌苔,联合应用抗菌药物控制舌背微生物群,或者机械清除和药物治疗相结合可以有效减轻口臭。本文就舌苔的微生态环境、舌苔细菌与口臭和舌苔的控制与口臭等研究进展作一综述。 Although the dorsum of the tongue harbors one of the most complex microbiological niches in human ecology, information on the relationship of tongue flora with health and disease is very limited. Similarly, the nature of the tongue coating and the factors that influence its development and composition are almost unknown. Recently, the agents that cause oral malodour have been identified. These agents include volatile sulfur compounds, propionic acid, butyric acid, cadaverine, putrescine, indole, skatole, etc., and especially, hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan. Furthermore, these substances had a significantly positive correlation with tongue biofilms. Tongue coating can be successfully managed by combining mechanical cleaning(brushing, tongue brushing, tongue scraping) and various chemical solutions. This combination can effectively reduce bad breath. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the present knowledge in tongue niche and tongue coating by focusing on the microbiology of the tongue biofilm. Special emphasis will be given on the evaluation of the evidence linking tongue biofilm with oral halitosis.
出处 《国际口腔医学杂志》 CAS 2013年第5期625-628,共4页 International Journal of Stomatology
关键词 舌苔 舌苔微生物 口臭 产硫化物细菌 tongue coating tongue biofilm oral malodor volatile sulfur compound producing bacteria
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