
初中心理辅导活动课的现状调查研究 被引量:1

Junior High School Classroom Guidance Activity Lesson Investigation
摘要 应用心理辅导活动课评价问卷和心理辅导活动课调查问卷对温州地区39名初中在职心理健康教师进行施测。结果表明:(1)心理辅导活动课在活动设计和活动过程两方面的评价很高,评定等级为优秀;在活动效果和活动课总体评价方面结果较好,评定等级为良好。(2)缺少统一编制的教材以及专门用来上心理辅导活动课的教室等现象。(3)心理健康教师队伍性别趋于单一化,这个不利于心理辅导活动课正常功能的发挥,也会影响到与学生之间的沟通以及一些团体辅导和个别咨询的效果。(4)学校因素与学校心理辅导活动课的评价高低有很大的关联性,在学校类型方面,市直属学校比其他类型学校的辅导活动设计、辅导活动过程以及辅导活动效果都要更为优秀,而县区直属的学校要比乡镇中学更为优秀。 Applied classroom guidance activity lesson evaluation questionnaire and guidance activity lesson questionnaire on Wenzhou region 39 of junior high school guidance teacher’ survey. The results showed that:(1) Classroom guidance activity lesson in campaign design and process of evaluation of very high ratings for excellent; in effect and the overall evaluation of the activity class was good in terms of results, ratings as well. (2) There was lack of compiling unified teaching materials and the special made classroom for guidance activity lesson teaching; (3) The sex of the psychological teachers in junior high schools tended to simplicity. It had no good to express the function of the classroom guidance activity lesson normally. (4) There was great relationship between school factors and the valuation of classroom guidance activity lesson.
作者 朱倩云
出处 《心理研究》 2013年第4期89-94,共6页 Psychological Research
关键词 心理辅导活动课 现状 初中 classroom guidance activity lesson status quo junior high school
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