
一种基于双同步头的OFDM系统信噪比估计新方法 被引量:4

A New SNR Estimation Method for OFDM System Based on Double Preambles
摘要 信噪比(SNR)是OFDM系统的一个重要的参数,在很多相关技术中得到了应用,如信道估计、自适应解码、时间同步等。针对OFDM系统,设计了2个训练序列的同步头,选取相邻4个子载波上的信号来进行噪声功率估计,并利用相邻信道频域相应的差值来抵消多径和多普勒效应带来的信道衰落。仿真分析表明,此算法可以很好地适应时间和频域选择性信道要求较高的环境,满足工程的要求。 Signal-to-Noise Ratio(SNR) is a key parameter in an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(OFDM) system,which can be used in channel estimation,adaptive decoding,time recovery and so on.In this paper,a modified SNR estimation method for OFDM system is proposed,in which two pilots of preamble are used.The simulation results show that the preformance of proposed method is better than that of other method proposed in references,and meets the requirement of engineering realization.
出处 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2013年第8期1018-1022,共5页 Telecommunication Engineering
关键词 OFDM SNR估计 训练序列 双同步头 OFDM SNR estimation pilot consequence double preambles
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