
全球化时代下国家转型的多样性:对新加坡经验的再反思 被引量:2

Diversity of State Transformation in the Era of Globalization:Lessons from Singapore's Experience
摘要 从全球化的推动性效应出发,先行研究强调,随着经济开放性的日益提高,"治理型相互依赖"是各国政企关系的发展趋势。正是这种特殊的关系,增强了国家面对全球化挑战的转型能力。新加坡常被认为是证实此假说的典型案例。然而,通过对新加坡政治经济的深入挖掘,本文认为,新加坡并不存在这种"治理型相互依赖"的政企关系。主要原因有三:(1)国家长期对外部威胁的感知;(2)政府与企业利益缺乏统一性;(3)私有企业长期性弱小。通过对新加坡案例的再反思,本文进一步指出,在全球化时代下,各国的转型能力与转型路径并非是"趋同"的。而这种差异性往往取决于国内工业结构与政府角色的特征。 Focusing on the enabling affect of globalization rather than its restricting role, the existing literature claimed that the "governed interdependence" was the "tendency" of public-private partnership in the era of increasing economic openness, which provides states with a new or increased transformative capacity. Singapore has been taken as a supportive case of this proposition. However, after a closer examination of Singapore' s case, we conclude that the feature of "governed interdependence" does not actually exist due to (II the country's sustained perception of threat; {2} the lack of unification of state and private interests; and {3) its perpetual historical weakness of private enterprises. Based on the reflection of Singapore' s case, we further argue that the origin of state transformative capacity and the state ' s transformative routes are divergent rather than convergent, and largely depend on a country's existing structural properties of domestic industries as well as the role of national government.
作者 陈超 李响
出处 《南洋问题研究》 CSSCI 2013年第3期32-40,共9页 Southeast Asian Affairs
关键词 威胁感知 治理型相互依赖 企业家政府 threat perception, governed interdependence v entrepreneurial State
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