Investigation of the Mechanical Behavior of a Thin Composite Stiffened Skin with a Combined Joint
Investigation of the Mechanical Behavior of a Thin Composite Stiffened Skin with a Combined Joint
Many joint models available to predict secondary bending moments in the structure have a stiffness mismatch, while this type of structure widely used in aircraft. To determine how to represent a structure with a stiffness mismatch in a combined joint (bonded/riveted), a non-linear finite element analysis was performed. The detailed validation of this analysis identified the composite stiffened skin as the most suitable model in three dimensions. The use of this model for validating the secondary bending moment to calculate the behavior of the stiffener edge is straightforward and reliable. Experiments were performed to determine the distribution of the load in a combined joint under a tensile load that creates a secondary bending moment in a structure with a stiffness mismatch. The influence of related joint design considerations on the load transferred by the joint were examined through a finite element parameter analysis. The results are compared to determine best approach to predict the mechanical behavior at the edge of the stiffener. A close agreement between the finite element analysis and experimental results was obtained. Test observations using a C-scan compared well with the predictions of the onset of crack growth.
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