
南大洋二甲基硫海—气交换过程研究进展 被引量:11

Advances in Studying the Sea-Air Dimethysulphide Exchange Process in the Southern Ocean
摘要 二甲基硫(DMS)是一种重要的海洋生源硫化物,通过海—气交换进入大气后生成生物源硫酸盐气溶胶从而对气候产生影响。海洋是大气DMS的主要源地,海洋大气中约90%的DMS来自海洋。南大洋占世界大洋面积的20%,是全球DMS重要的源之一。相较其他海域,南大洋表层海水DMS存在显著的时空变化。由于南大洋复杂的水文环境、多变的海冰情况和受多种生物活动作用的影响,完全了解这一区域DMS海—气交换过程及其控制因素变得更加复杂、困难。此外,开展DMS的冰—气交换过程及其控制因素的研究也很有意义。为了便于今后在极区开展DMS海—气交换过程的研究,深入探究极区DMS的生物地球化学过程。因此,对南大洋DMS海—气通量的估算方法进行讨论,分析南大洋表层海水DMS的分布特征及南大洋DMS海—气输送通量,对南大洋DMS海—气交换过程的控制因素进行探讨。 Dimethylsulphide (DMS) is an important marine biogenic gas and can be released into atmosphere through sea-air gas exchange. The oxidants of DMS in atmosphere are the main compounds of pristine marine sul- phate aerosols and would affect the global climate change finally. Almost all the atmospheric DMS, about 90% , comes from the ocean. The southern ocean, which consists about 20% of the whole ocean area, is one of the largest atmospheric DMS sources. In contrast with the other oceans, the Southern Ocean appears great spatial and temporal variability of surface seawater DMS. In addition, there are the complex hydrography system, variable sea ice condi- tion and various biologic activities in the Southern Ocean as to make survey and understand DMS as well as its con- trolling factors most difficult. Moreover, it is significant to integrate the DMS sea-ice exchange processes and its controlling factors studies. In order to develop survey and research on the sea-air DMS exchange and biogeochemis- try processes, estimate methods of the sea-air DMS fluxes will be reviewed, characteristics of the spatial and tempo- ral distribution of surface seawater DMS will be discussed and the sea-air DMS flux in the Southern Ocean will be assessed. Finally, major controlling factors of DMS sea-air DMS processes will also be analyzed.
出处 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期1015-1024,共10页 Advances in Earth Science
基金 南北极环境综合考察与评估专项项目"十二五"极地专项项目--专题4"南极周边海域海洋化学与碳通量考察"(编号:CHINAER 2012-01-04) 国家自然科学基金重点项目"南大洋N2O源汇格局:驱动机制及其对海洋N2O收支的影响"(编号:41230529)资助
关键词 二甲基硫 海-气交换通量 控制因子 南大洋 DMS Sea-air flux Controlling tactors The Southern Ocean.
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