
二氯喹啉酸诱导稗草EcDnaJ基因表达 被引量:1

Expression Profile of Quinclorac-induced EcDnaJ1 mRNA in Barnyardgrass( Echinochloa crus-galli)
摘要 DnaJ作为分子伴侣在植物抗逆中起重要作用.但目前在二氯喹啉酸逆境下,其在抗药性稗草中表达特点却鲜有报道.本研究采用RACE技术从抗二氯喹啉酸稗草中克隆了1个DnaJ基因,命名为EcDnaJl(GenBank登录号:JX518598),其cDNA全长为2154bp,开放阅读框为1350bp.编码449个氨基酸,理论分子量为48.4kD,等电点为9.5.该蛋白质氮端含有1个保守的J结构域,中部含有4个模式为CxxCxGxG的锌指结构.Real—timePCR分别测定EcDnaJl在二氯喹啉酸抗性和敏感的稗草生物型苗期叶、根及成株期根、茎、叶和种子中的表达,在感、抗生物型的相对表达量分别是0.8~20.9和7.4~30.2,其中在抗性稗草苗期叶片中相对表达量最高为30.2,而在敏感稗草种子中最低为0.8,抗性稗草是敏感稗草的1.4~9.2倍.受二氯喹啉酸诱导后,其在感、抗稗草的相对表达量分别为35.8~72.5和84.9~261.9,在抗性稗草苗期叶片中相对表达量最高为261.9,而在敏感稗草的种子中相对表达量最低为35.8,抗性稗草是敏感稗草的2.4~3.6倍.诱导前后,无论是在苗期根和叶中还是成株期的根、茎、叶和种子中,EcDnaJl表达量均是抗性稗草高于敏感稗草.抗、感稗草生物型的EcDnaJl在mRNA水平差异表达暗示,它可能参与了稗草对二氯喹啉酸的抗药性. DnaJs, as molecular chaperones, play important roles in plant resistance or tolerance to various environmental stresses. But, little is known about expression profile of DnaJ1 mRNA in herbicide- resistant barnyardgrass (Echinochloa. crus-gaUi) under DnaJ was obtained from quinclora-resistant-identified E. quinclorac stress. A homologue sequence of crus-galli using RACE. The gene, designated EcDnaJ1 (GenBank No. JX518598) with full length 2 154 bp, has a 1 350 bp open reading frame predicted to encode a protein containing 449 amino acids with molecular weight 48.4 kD and isoelectrie point 9.5. The deduced protein possesses a J domain in N-terminus, and four CxxCxGxG zinc fingerdomains in the central regions. EcDnaJ1 expression was monitored in seedlings (leaves and roots) and adult plants (leaves, roots, stems and seeds) of quinclorac-resistant (R) and susceptible (S) biotypes of E. erus-galli via real-time PCR. EeDNAJ1 expression was 0. 8 ~20. 9 in S biotypes and 7.4 ~30.2 in R biotypes, such as 30.2 in leaves of seedling of R biotypes and 0. 8 in seeds of S biotypes, and 1.4 ~ 9.2 fold higher in the R plants than in the S plants. After exposure to quinclorac, its expression was 35.8 ~72.5 in S biotypes and 84.9 ~ 261.9 in R biotypes, such as 261.9 in leaves of seedling of R biotypes and 35.8 in seeds of S biotypes, and 2.4 ~ 3.6 fold higher in the R plants than in the S plants. Its expression was higher in all tissues tested of R biotypes than in that of S plants before or after quinclorae treatment. The difference expression of EcDNAJ1 mRNA in R and S biotypes suggested that EcDNAJ1 may be involved in resistance to ctuinclorac in E. crus-xalli.
出处 《中国生物化学与分子生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期853-860,共8页 Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划,No.2011AA100806) 浙江省自然科学基金(No.LY13C140007) 浙江省农科院创新提升工程项目(No.2009R19Y01D04) 浙江省农科院博士启动经费项目~~
关键词 抗药性稗草 二氯喹啉酸诱导基因 DnaJ(Hsp40)克隆与表达 quinclorac-resistant barnyardgrass quinclorac-induced gene cloning and expression ofDNAJ ( Hsp40 )
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