AIM: To assess the differences in the II phase combination capacity of the tumor cell lines and normal cell lines, we study the metabolic capacity of HepG2 and L-O2 as for mycophenolic acid, as well as the expression of UGTIA9 in two cell lines. METHODS: Tumor cells were treated with 2.5 mmol/L and 1 mmol/ L mycophenolic acid (UGT1A9 substrate) with normal cells of the corresponding organ as the control group. HPLC was used to determine the levels of drug and the glucuronidation metabolite intracellular and extracellular. Microsomal incu- bation of mycophenolic acid with clinically ob- tained human hepatic carcinoma tissue and adja- cent tissues was also performed. RESULTS: The expression of UGTIA9 in HepG2 and human liver tumor tissue was much higher than in L-O2 and adjacent tissues with a significant difference respectively (P〈0.01). However, the metabo- lism of mycophenolic acid in HepG2 and human liver tumor tissue was much lower than in L-O2 and human liver paraneoplastic tissues. CON- CLUSION: UGT1A9 expression and function are not consistent in HepG2 and human hepatoma tissues, which suggesting that although UGTIA9 expression is higher in tumor cells, but with some deficiency in function. This may be associated with a lack of nutrition in tumor.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics