目的 探讨白色念珠菌在义齿软衬材料上的发育变化。方法 采用日本临床常用的 7种软衬材料。通过测定培养基 pH值变化讨论了白色念珠菌的发育情况。 结果 虽然有一些材料固有成分对白色念珠菌有一定的抑菌作用 ,但会随长时间的使用而显著劣化。
Objective To investigate the growth of candida albicans on thermal cycled semipermanent soft lining materials.Methods On this study,seven commercially available denture soft linings were chosen.By monitoring the pH of the growth medium,we discussed the development of candida albicans,the effect of temperature during the calbicans growth proceeding.Results Though components of the tested soft lining materials showed directly inhibitary effects on candida growth,the inhibition effects were significantly reduced by long time using.Conclusion The results suggest that when soft lining is extended over a long term,dentre plaque control is essential for denture.
Journal of Modern Stomatology