Securing Africa's land for shared prosperity will require better land governance LAND and related natural resources are a foundation for socio-economic development and the livelihood of millions in Sub-Saharan Africa.Access,ownership and control of land for sustenance and foreign exchange are so critical that they influence the cultural,social and political structures of many countries on the continent.Endowed as it is with arable and scenic land,minerals and wildlife,Sub-Saharan Africa is currently grappling with extreme poverty,both in its rural and urban areas.
Securing Africa's land for shared prosperity will require better land governance LAND and related natural resources are a foundation for socio-economic development and the livelihood of millions in Sub-Saharan Africa.Access,ownership and control of land for sustenance and foreign exchange are so critical that they influence the cultural,social and political structures of many countries on the continent.Endowed as it is with arable and scenic land,minerals and wildlife,Sub-Saharan Africa is currently grappling with extreme poverty,both in its rural and urban areas.