
关于完善我国证券监管的若干构想 被引量:15

Several Thoughts of the Completion of China Security Supervision
摘要 随着中国加入WTO步伐的临近 ,开放我国证券市场已为时不远。为此本文作者就完善我国证券市场监管提出下述最新若干构想 ;1 .建立独立董事制度的执行环境 ,包括 :建立对独立董事的监督机制 ;出台相应法规政策 ,赋予独立董事相关权力 ;做好对独立董事的保护工作 ;对独立董事进行严格的考核 ,全面提升独立董事个人素质。 2 .在主板市场和二板市场全面引入“保荐人制度” ,以降低市场风险 ,提高上市公司质量。 3.提高强制性信息定期披露的频率与范围 ,实现证券市场上的信息对称与共享。 4.提高主板市场公司上市与在市门槛 ,拉开主板市场与二板市场的公司上市标准 ,建立规范和严格的上市公司淘汰制度 ,形成一个严肃的立法、执法、守法的市场环境 ,彻底打消上市公司的侥幸心理。 5.构建中国有序高效的链式市场监管体系 ,充分调动各方面在监管上的主观能动性 ,保障中国证监会执法的独立性、客观公正性和勤政性 ,建立起一个 :上下一致、纵横一体、相互监督、职责分明的 ,有序高效的链式市场监管体系。 The security supervision concerns not only legislation problems, but also system problems. It's not only an academic problem, but also a practical problem. It's very complex and intricate because it lies in the intersection of many participants'benefits competition of China Security Market. In accompany with the approach of China's entering WTO,it will be soon to open China Security Market. According to it, the authors of this article give several latest thoughts in order to complete the China security supervision:\;1. Establish the executive circumstance for the Independent Director System, which includes establishing the supervisory system on the independent director, publicizing the corresponding policy and law to give the independent director corresponding rights; making protection for the indepcndent director and restricting the examinations to the independent director to improve their personal capability completely.\;2. Induct the Guarantor System into the main and second market to decrease the market venture and improve the quality of the Listed company.\;3. Improve the frequency and area of the periodic publication of imperative information, realize the symmetry and share of the information in security market.\;4. Improve the admittable and existent threshold of the main market company;extend the admittable criterion of the main market and the second market;establish normative and strict elimination system of the listed company;form a serious market circumstance for making the law, executing the law and obeying the law;perish the fluky mentality of the listed company drastically.\;5. Found the well-ordered, efficient chain market supervision system of China, adequately mobilize the subjectivity from every aspect;guarantee the independence, justness and hardworking of China Security Supervision Association, establish a consistent, inter-supervise, clear-responsibility, well-ordered and efficient chain market supervision system in China.
机构地区 厦门大学财金系
出处 《金融研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第11期94-99,共6页 Journal of Financial Research
关键词 证券 监管 构想 security supervision thought
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