
环境压力指数及我国大气环境压力状况评价 被引量:3

Environmental pressure index and assessment of atmospheric environmental situation in China
摘要 为评价区域或行业污染物排放量对环境压力的大小,提出了一种新的、由各种污染物排放量、环境质量标准、区域面积和区域或行业GDP构建的综合指数,即环境压力指数.利用环保部、国家统计局的观测数据对我国大气环境压力状况进行分析,结果显示,我国大气环境压力存在明显的空间、地域性差异,表现为东部地区最大,中部地区次之,西部地区最小;工业仍是造成我国大气环境压力的主要因素.大气环境压力与区域经济发展水平有较高的关联性,需要进一步协调经济发展与大气环境保护之间的关系. A new comprehensive index, environmental pressure index, calculated from pollutant emission amount, environmental quality standards, area of regions, GDP from regions or sections, is proposed to quantify the environmental pressure of pollutant emissions from region or industry. The atmospheric environmental pressure index has been analyzed based on data from National Bureau of Statistics of China and Ministry of Environmental Protection of China. The results show that the atmospheric environmental pressure of China exhibit significant variability among different regions, i.e., highest pressure exist in East China, followed by the central region, and the lowest pressure in the west, and industry is still the major reason causing the atmospheric environment pressure. High relevance exists between the atmospheric environmental pressure and the level of regional economic development. Further efforts should be done to coordinate the relationship between economic development and the atmospheric environment protection.
出处 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期1678-1683,共6页 China Environmental Science
基金 环保公益性行业科研专项(201209003 201209001)
关键词 大气污染 环境压力 大气环境压力指数 定量评价 air pollution environmental pressure AEPh quantitative assessment
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