
变截面正八边形棱柱风载特性试验 被引量:3

Experimental investigation of wind load characteristics of regular octagon prisms with variable cross-section
摘要 通过风洞试验对变截面正八边形棱柱的风载特性进行研究,试验测得了Re数在3.0×106~8.9×106范围内柱体的表面平均压力及其气动力,总结了平均压力系数沿柱体轴向和周向的分布规律,以及St数随Re数和风向角的变化规律.研究结果表明:平均压力系数沿柱体周向分布变化较大,当柱体侧壁倾角超过一定值时平均压力系数沿轴向呈非均匀分布,且风向角的变化对平均压力系数的周向分布影响较大,不同风向角下St数随Re数的增加趋于稳定值. Wind load characteristics of variable cross-section regular octagon prisms were explored through wind tunnel experiments. The average pressure and aerodynamic loads on the prism were measured with Reynolds number from 3.0×106 to 8.9×106. The distribution of average pressure coefficient in the circumference and axial direction were concluded from the wind tunnel experimental results. Furthermore, the effects of Reynolds number and wind angle on Strouhal number were analyzed. The results show that the average pressure coefficient distribution changes greatly in the circumferential direction, and the average pressure axial distribution shows a non-uniform distribution when the slope angle of the prism side wall exceeds a certain value. Besides, the wind angle exerts great effects on the average pressure circumferential distribution, and the Strouhal number tends to be a stable value with the increase of Reynolds number in different wind angles.
出处 《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期106-110,共5页 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(50939002) 海军武器装备预先研究资助项目 船舶工业国防科技预研基金资助项目
关键词 正八边形棱柱 风洞试验 风载特性 压力分布 Re数 St数 regular octagon prism wind tunnel experiment wind load characteristics pressure distribution Reynolds number Strouhal number
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