目的观察静脉注射盐酸地尔硫卓对起搏器患者慢性起搏阈值及心内电信号振幅的影响。方法对160例起搏器术后3个月以上的随访者静脉注射盐酸地尔硫卓10 mg,间隔10 min后重复给药10 mg。用相应的体外程控仪测试用药前、用药后30,60,120,240 min心房、心室的起搏阈值及P波、R波振幅。结果起搏脉宽为0.4 ms时,用药前;用药后30,60,120,240 min心房、心室起搏阈值及P波、R波振幅均无明显变化(P>0.05)。结论静脉注射盐酸地尔硫卓对慢性起搏阈值及心内电信号振幅无影响。
Objective To observe the effects of diltiazem hydrochloride on chronic pacing threshold and intracordial e- lectrical signal amplitude. Methods One hundred and sixty patients who had been implanted permanent pacemakers for 3 months , were treated with dihiazem hydrochloride 10 rag, pacing thresholds, P and R wave amplitudes were tested before dihiazem hydrochloride injecting and after 30,60,120,240 minutes using corresponding programmer. Results There was no significant changes about atrial and ventricular pacing thresholds and P, R waves amplitudes before and after dihi- azem hydrochloride (P〉0.05). Conclusion Dihiazem hydrochloride doesn,t affect the chronic pacing threshold , P and R wave amplitudes in patients with permanent pacemakers implantation.
Chinese Journal of Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology