
Data management solutions based on the data distribution service communication model 被引量:2

Data management solutions based on the data distribution service communication model
摘要 This article presents a data management solution based on the data distribution service (DDS) communication model. The basic DDS communication model consists of a unidirectional data exchange where applications that publish data 'push' the relevant data, which is updated to the local caches of co-located subscribers to the data [1]. DDS has no specified center node to forward data packets and maintain the communication data. This type of publish-subscribe (P/S) model presents integrity and consistency challenges in data management. Unlike peer-to-peer (P2P) distributed storage, DDS applications have a hard real-time environment and fewer data features, and the core problem is ensuring the integrity and consistency of data in distributed systems under this hard real-time environment. This article begins with a brief introduction of the communication model used by DDS, then analyzes persistent data management problems caused by such model, and provides an appropriate solution to these problems. This solution has been implemented in a prototype system of the real-time service bus (RTSB) of Tsinghua University. This article presents a data management solution based on the data distribution service (DDS) communication model. The basic DDS communication model consists of a unidirectional data exchange where applications that publish data 'push' the relevant data, which is updated to the local caches of co-located subscribers to the data [1]. DDS has no specified center node to forward data packets and maintain the communication data. This type of publish-subscribe (P/S) model presents integrity and consistency challenges in data management. Unlike peer-to-peer (P2P) distributed storage, DDS applications have a hard real-time environment and fewer data features, and the core problem is ensuring the integrity and consistency of data in distributed systems under this hard real-time environment. This article begins with a brief introduction of the communication model used by DDS, then analyzes persistent data management problems caused by such model, and provides an appropriate solution to these problems. This solution has been implemented in a prototype system of the real-time service bus (RTSB) of Tsinghua University.
出处 《The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications》 EI CSCD 2013年第4期127-132,共6页 中国邮电高校学报(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (2011CB302302) the National Science and Technology Major Projects (2011ZX01041-004-4)
关键词 DDS pub-sub CONSISTENCY load balancing DDS, pub-sub, consistency, load balancing
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