
北京市医药分开试点医院临床医师对改革意愿的影响因素调查 被引量:3

Study on Influence Factors of Clinic Doctor Willingness for the Separation of Clinic from Pharmacy Pilot Hospital in Beijing
摘要 目的了解临床医师对医药分开改革的意愿,分析影响其意愿的相关因素,为更有效的调动临床医师的积极性,对医药分开改革提供建议。方法对北京某三甲试点医院703名临床医师的收入、诊疗及医患关系等方面进行问卷调查,并对668份收回有效问卷调查结果进行数据统计及分析。结果提高了收入(OR值=1.516,P=0.035<0.05)、纠正了过度医疗(OR值=1.595,P=0.043<0.05)、提高了技术服务水平(OR值=2.020,P=0.010<0.05)和患者的信赖程度(OR值=1.771,P=0.048<0.05)等因素具有统计学意义。结论对影响临床医师意愿的因素采取措施加以干预,完善绩效评价机制,充分实现临床医师自身价值,才能调动其积极性,推进医药分开改革的顺利进行。 Objective To study the clinician willingness for the separation of clinic from pharmacy and analyze the related factors, and promote the enthusiasm of the clinician and put forward some strategies for the reform of the separation of clinic from pharmacy. Methods A questionnaire including income diagnosis and treatment and the doctor-patient relationship was filled out by 703 clinic doctors in a top three hospital. The results of the 668 effective questionnaires were analyzed. Results The factors of increasing income (OR = 1.516, P = 0.035 〈 0.05), correcting excessive medical treatment(OR = 1.595, P = 0.043 〈 0.05), improving the level of techrrical service(OR = 2.020, P = 0.010 〈 0.05), improving patient trust degree(OR = 1. 771, P = 0.048 〈 0.05) were statistically significant. Conclusion It should be focused on the influence factors of doctor willingness and take more measures such as perfect evaluation mechanism and realize their value in order to promote the doctor's enthusiasm and push forward the reform.
出处 《中国病案》 2013年第9期8-9,共2页 Chinese Medical Record
关键词 医疗改革 医药分开 临床医师意愿 Health care reform Separation of clinic from pharmacy Doctor willingness
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