
利用GoPubMed对甲状腺癌与辐射的文献计量分析 被引量:2

Application of GoPubMed in bibliometric analysis of literature on relation between thyroid carcinoma and radiation
摘要 介绍了GoPubMed在甲状腺癌与辐射文献计量分析中的的应用。 Described in this paper is the application of GoPubMed in bibliometric analysis of literature on relation between thyroid carcinoma and radiation.
作者 朱玉兰
机构地区 长江大学图书馆
出处 《中华医学图书情报杂志》 CAS 2013年第9期44-46,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medical Library and Information Science
关键词 GOPUBMED 甲状腺癌 辐射 文献计量分析 GoPubMed Thyroid carcinoma Radiation Bibliometric analysis
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