To solve the problem that the traditional location-based services anonymity model is not applied to the continuous query, quasi real-time cloak algorithm (QR-TCA) has been proposed, and the non-delay cloak model (N-DCM) has been established. After comprehensive analysis of location-based continuous query privacy protection models, a model that can solve the user service delay problem is proposed, which can provide the users with quasi-real time location-based services. The experiment measures the N-DCM model with multiple dimensions, such as service response time and service quality of standard datasets. The experiment results show that the method is suitable for continuous query location privacy protection and can effectively protect the user’s location privacy.
To solve the problem that the traditional location-based services anonymity model is not applied to the continuous query, quasi real-time cloak algorithm (QR-TCA) has been proposed, and the non-delay cloak model (N-DCM) has been established. After comprehensive analysis of location-based continuous query privacy protection models, a model that can solve the user service delay problem is proposed, which can provide the users with quasi-real time location-based services. The experiment measures the N-DCM model with multiple dimensions, such as service response time and service quality of standard datasets. The experiment results show that the method is suitable for continuous query location privacy protection and can effectively protect the user’s location privacy.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation(61170035, 61272420)
the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(BK2011022, BK2011702)
the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (30920130112006)
Jiangsu Province Blue Project Innovation team,Nanjing science and technology project (020142010)
Nanjing University of Science and Technology in 2009 Zijin Star Project Funding